
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Foster Family

Angels’ Arms House #12 Opens


Angels’ Arms 12th home, donated by the Hoffman Family.

new beds for children (NEW PHOTO)

One of the new bedrooms ready for the kids!









On March 1st, the newest Angels’ Arms family moved into house #12, located in Florissant. The lovely 4 bedroom home originally belonged to the Hoffman family who built it many years ago and raised 3 boys there. After the parents passed away, the children decided they would donate their beautiful home to Angels’ Arms. Now it’s a safe haven to 4 foster children and foster mom Ramona Spencer.


Foster mom Ramona Spencer (right) had help settling in from a great friend.


Moving day! This house is now home to 4 kiddos, including a sibling group of 3.