
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Lisa Pepper

Edward Jones
Lisa has spent more than 30 years in leadership positions in the Financial Services Industry. She worked at some top companies, HighTower, Scottrade/T.D. Ameritrade, Morgan Stanley, Renaissance Financial, and Bridge Trading to name a few. She has recently entered the Entrepreneur world by starting LAPepperDesigns. She specializes in all things customized, embroidery, vinyl, handcrafted cards, shirts, signs, cups, blankets, you name it she can do it. Lisa has been an active Board Member and Volunteer at Angels’ Arms since 2002 and serves on the Fall Event Committee each year. She is very passionate about supporting Angels’ Arms and is dedicated to raising awareness about the organization. If you’ve come in contact with Lisa you have heard the Angels’ Arms Story!