
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Tom Hartnagel

Tom is a Healthcare Account Manager for Cisco. Tom and his wife, Dana, are founding members of the Angels’ Arms Board (1999). He has served as event Chairman for the annual Stepping Out for the Angels Gala since that time. Tom has enjoyed working with Angels’ Arms for two decades in shaping the Angels’ Arms strategy, and fulfilling the vision of developing loving and nurturing homes for foster children. From the dream of starting one home to supporting thirteen homes in the metropolitan area, Tom is proud to be a part of this vital organization which has touched the lives of more than 500 children in the St. Louis area. Tom is also an active member of the Eric Westacott Foundation, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, and Forest Hills Country Club. Tom and his wife, Dana, reside in Chesterfield with their three children: Libby, Thomas and Daniel.