Did you know that you can make your charitable dollars ($1,000 and up) stretch further by using Missouri state tax credits for contributions to Angels’ Arms? You can donate twice as much, at less out-of-pocket expense to you!
To check eligibility and to reserve credits, contact Jasmina Schue at 314-842-8400 or email jasmina@angelsarms.org.
Download Tax Credit Flyer below:
**IRA Charitable Rollover Donations to Angels’ Arms
If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make tax-free donations from your IRA to Angels’ Arms.
Benefits to donors:
– Funds rolled over directly from your IRA account to Angels’ Arms will not be recognized as gross income for federal tax purposes. Keep in mind, the funds transferred also will not qualify for a charitable deduction.
– If you have not yet taken your required minimum distribution, you can satisfy your required minimum distribution in whole or in part by having the funds transferred directly from your IRA to Angels’ Arms.
– The funds can be used to satisfy a pledge or to make a new gift to Angels’ Arms. (Unfortunately, the law does not permit the funds to be used to establish a charitable gift annuity or other planned gift.)
For more information, contact us at 314-842-8400. We encourage you to consult with your tax advisor or accountant if you are considering making an IRA charitable rollover gift to Angels’ Arms.